About Us
Brantford Probus
What is Probus?
Probus is an acronym for Pro(fessional) and Bus(iness) reflecting the organization’s initial objectives. There are currently over 4,000 Probus clubs worldwide with over 250 active clubs in Canada and over 37,600 members. Each Probus club is autonomous but is coordinated through Probus Canada.
Clubs in Canada are social in nature. Our goal at Probus Brantford is to provide fellowship, friendship and enjoyment for men in their retirement and semi-retirement years. We want our members to be active, connected and engaged.
We thrive through the participation of our members. We welcome new ideas and encourage members to start new Interest Groups and/or get involved in our Management Committee.
Participation is voluntary. Members are welcome to attend our monthly meetings featuring presentations by current members (Who Am I?), guest speakers, a social time and a Management Committee update on club events that they can join.
The organization is non-political, non-sectarian, non-profit making and non-fundraising. Speakers and operating costs are covered by our annual membership dues.
The Probus Club of Brantford

General Meetings: We meet monthly at the Walter Gretzky Municipal Golf Course at 10 o’clock in the morning on the second Thursday of the month.
Activities: Activity groups are established and hosted by a member(s). Where and how often they meet is determined by the group. One-off events are offered throughout the year in our local community and farther afield (note: some events are restricted in number and additional fees may be charged for special events and group activities).
Fees: The annual membership fee is $85 per member. When a member is inducted into the Club, there is a one-time fee to cover the cost of the Probus pin and nametag. Then, there is a prorated fee until the end of our fiscal year.
Prospective members can contact our General Email Box to discuss attending a monthly meeting
and “try-us-on-for-size” before finding a sponsor.
Probus Club of Brantford – Some History
The Probus Club of Brantford was developed under the auspices of the Rotary Club of Brantford. It was the vision, the leadership, the financial support, and the unstinting efforts of the members of the Rotary Club that ensured the successful beginning.
The Rotary Club canvassed the community and discovered the need of opportunities for retired and semi-retired professional and businessmen to have increased social contacts, hold discussions and hear addresses on topical subjects. A committee was formed to further this proposal.
The Rotary Club hosted and held an informational meeting on the aims of how such a club could be formed in Brantford on April 10, 1990 at the Brantford Golf and Country Club. The meeting was chaired by Rotarians Bob Ion and Bruce Hodgson.
Fifty persons attended this meeting at which two members from Probus Clubs of Canada outlined the history of the Probus movements, its aims, objectives and activities. The outcome indicated enthusiastic interest and a committee was formed to oversee the development.
Don Francis headed the Formation Committee which met several times and prepared a proposed slate of officers. The founding meeting was held on May 8, 1990 at which John Johnson was elected as the first President. The Brantford Club was the fifteenth formed in Canada.
It was determined and agreed that they would meet monthly at the Brantford Golf and Country Club on the second Tuesday starting at 10:00 a.m. and conclude at noon.
It was also determined that the meetings should comprise of reports from various committees, followed by a “Who Am I” vignette of the Club members. A coffee break permits the members to mix and become better acquainted. Special guest speakers should conclude the meeting.
Over the 30+ years since its inception, the club has moved to the second Thursday of the month. During the COVID-19 period we had virtual meetings via Zoom and returned to face-to-face meetings at the Best Western Hotel in the Spring of 2022. Since that time, we’ve made our new home at the Walter Gretzky Municipal Golf Course.
Management Committee (2024 – 2025)

Glen Christensen
Past President

Mike Wyatt

Murray Corke
1st Vice President

Bill Brown
2nd Vice President

John Hogewoning

Bob Kindon
Who Am I?

Rick Wyse

Murray Angus

Bill Hyde

Len Makkreel

Darrell Picketts

Lyle Sylvester

Dan Walker
Past Presidents
1990-1991 *John Johnson
1991-1992 *Terry Dobson
1992-1993 *Don Francis
1993-1994 *Joe White
1994-1995 *George Pew
1995-1996 *Bob Munro
1996-1997 *Bob McIntosh
1997-1998 *Gord MacIvor
1998-1999 *Don Kennedy
1999-2000 *Ken Simmons
2000-2001 *George McDonald
2001-2002 *Doug Eckel
2002-2003 *Bruce Hodgson
2003-2004 *Bob Murray
2004-2005 *Bill Campbell
2005-2006 Harold Offenhammer
2006-2007 *Bob Taylor
2007-2008 Ross de St. Croix
2008-2009 *Jim Kelso
2009-2010 Otto Heinzl
2010-2011 Graham Malcolm
2011-2012 Harold Edgar
2012-2013 Frank McPherson
2013-2014 Gary Surette
2014-2015 Bob Ion
2015-2016 Mike Hancock
2016-2017 Rick Martin
2017-2018 Don Harris
2018-2019 Don Swan
2019-2020 Larry Bate
2020-2021 Bob Anguish
2021-2022 John Hogewoning
2022-2023 John McGraw
2023-2024 Glen Christensen
*indicates deceased member